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Ready for the Majors

Sport analytics major Mackenzie Mangos ’22.


When it came to making the most of her Syracuse University education, Mackenzie Mangos ’22 knocked it out of the ballpark. Mangos, a sport analytics major in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, took full advantage of the program’s opportunities, focused on her goal of working in Major League Baseball and scored her dream job. After graduation, 她将加入纽约洋基队,在棒球运营部担任定量分析助理. 一个虔诚的洋基球迷还能要求什么呢——尤其是来自一个热爱布朗克斯轰炸机的家庭,他们的狗叫杰特? “我想,在得到棒球方面的工作之前,我应该先为一些企业或顾问工作,更不用说在洋基队做球员分析了,” she says. “It worked out great!”

Mackenzie Mangos standing with sport management professor Rodney Paul.

Mangos和体育管理教授Rodney Paul分享了她对棒球和统计学的热情, who established the sport analytics program and serves as its director.

When Mangos reports to Yankee Stadium, she will be ready for action. She fulfilled her graduation requirements in three years, completed minors in economics and information management and technology to complement her major, 参加棒球案例比赛,优秀实习并发表研究成果. She was also named a 2022 Falk College class marshal, 她将在学院的毕业典礼上发表演讲,并带领福克学院的毕业生参加毕业典礼. In bringing together her passions for sports and statistics, 芒果开辟了一条道路,可以作为男性主导的其他年轻女性的榜样, multibillion-dollar industry. One of three female sport analytics majors when she joined the program, 她在2020年秋季创立了学生组织体育分析女性(SAW),将有共同兴趣的女学生聚集在一起,增加研究项目和专业发展的机会. “麦肯齐对我们的项目和学校的影响将在她毕业后的几年里被感受到,” says Jeremy Losak ’16, assistant professor of sport management. “She has been a champion for women in sports and sport analytics.”

我知道,我对体育和数学的热情将使我的职业生涯变得非常酷. When I came across the sport analytics program at Syracuse, there was no doubt that’s what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be.

Mackenzie Mangos ’22

As SAW president, 曼戈斯把俱乐部的成员从5人增加到20人左右,她说这个角色对她的个人发展有很大的影响. “体育分析女性俱乐部帮助我在与不同观众沟通方面取得了巨大的进步,并在一大群人面前变得自信,” she says. “It’s been very rewarding to see the club really take off.”

Among her accolades, Mangos was selected as a Berlin Scholar, an honor that awards a stipend, research experience with a faculty mentor, and other benefits to outstanding seniors in sport analytics. 去年夏天,她在福尔克的柏林体育分析学院担任助教, leading activities for high school students interested in sport analytics. 她还曾担任Losak的研究助理,并重视他在项目上的指导和合作, 其中一项研究调查了大学会议电视网络对球迷参加足球和篮球比赛的影响. The first part of their research, which focused on football, was published in the Journal of Economics and Finance. “Mackenzie has been an integral part of my research team, leading data collection efforts and preparing presentation-quality visualizations,” he says. “She is a trailblazer in the sport analytics space and a future professional superstar. Her upcoming role with the New York Yankees is just the beginning.”

Becoming Orange

Mangos was a three-sport athlete in high school in Williamson, New York, captaining the varsity soccer, basketball and softball teams. Softball was her favorite and, as a catcher, she worked with a pitcher who threw 10 different pitches, 这是一个具有挑战性的任务,让她思考投球模式和击球手的历史. “我知道我对体育和数学的热爱会让我的职业生涯变得很酷,” she says. “When I came across the sport analytics program at Syracuse, there was no doubt that’s what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be.”

Mackenzie Mangos and Francesco Riverso G’05 meeting.

Mangos meets with Francesco Riverso G’05, academic advisor for sport analytics majors, who provided guidance and support for Mangos throughout her time at Falk College, including connecting her with the New York Yankees.

Good call. Once on campus, Mangos followed her game plan. 她加入了棒球统计和Sabermetrics俱乐部,并与雪城大学的同学一起参加了美国棒球研究协会(SABR)钻石美元案例竞赛, which challenge college teams to evaluate baseball operations’ issues, dive into data and offer solutions in a week’s time. “SABR比赛是一次很棒的经历,可以将我们在课堂上学到的东西应用到现实世界的感觉中,” she says. 今年春天的SABR比赛要求参赛队伍就如何缩短棒球比赛征求意见, which runs counter to the philosophy of many baseball enthusiasts. “Most of us are baseball traditionalists in this department,” says Mangos, who serves as director of programming for the club.

Mackenzie has been an integral part of my research team, leading data collection efforts and preparing presentation-quality visualizations. She is a trailblazer in the sport analytics space and a future professional superstar. Her upcoming role with the New York Yankees is just the beginning.

Professor Jeremy Losak

Along with mastering the intricacies of statistical computing, data visualization and managing databases, Mangos benefited from notable internship experiences. She was selected for the NBA’s Future Analytics Stars Program, which featured mentoring, networking and professional development, a group project and a workshop focused on the league’s player and business analytics. She also received a Women in Sports Tech Inc. 去年夏天,她在KORE软件公司担任商业智能实习生. 该公司专门从事体育和娱乐行业的商业分析, including fan demographics, Mangos的工作是从数据库中提取信息,并为KORE客户创建交互式信息仪表板. “I’d always envisioned myself working for a team,” she says. “In this internship, 我每天都在Zoom的会议上和不同的专业运动队一起工作,并为他们写报告, so it gave me a different perspective.”

Fantastic Opportunities

Mangos珍惜她在福尔克学院获得的机会,并将其评为Francesco Riverso G ' 05, academic advisor for sport analytics majors, for his guidance and support, including connecting her with the Yankees. “He is a great resource,” she says. “I tell all the new students, 确保弗朗西斯科知道你的理想工作是什么,因为他认识这个行业的每个人.’”

Mangos holds a work-study job in the Falk admissions office, 担任福克大使,为未来的学生提供信息,并作为同伴顾问帮助即将入学的学生适应大学生活. 她喜欢帮助其他学生,并认为这是促进和建立项目的一种方式. “福尔克非常注重体验式学习,所以你可以把在课堂上学到的东西应用到实践中. I think the case competitions and a lot of the projects we do really set us apart,” Mangos says, 他还指出,福尔克大学的体育管理咨询委员会和强大的校友网络在支持学生方面发挥了重要作用.

麦肯齐对我们的项目和学校的影响将在她毕业后的几年里被感受到. She has been a champion for women in sports and sport analytics.

Professor Jeremy Losak

With graduation approaching, Mangos is wrapping up her year-long senior thesis project. 这个话题让她回想起自己当捕手的日子:她正在分析数据,看一个赛季到下一个赛季,本垒裁判是否会对捕手产生偏见,因为捕手之前对投球结构的掌握影响了他们——把他们的手套放在特定的位置,以骗取好球. “I’m super passionate about it,” she says.

Then it’s on to Yankee Stadium, where Mangos will put her love of the game and analytics skills to work. “It still feels pretty surreal,” she says. “I don’t think it’ll hit me until I show up on my first day.”

Story update: 2023年3月,麦肯齐·曼戈斯加入匹兹堡海盗队,担任球员估值分析师.

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The David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

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Sport Analytics Major

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